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The Bats of Kyoto and Shiga

Image by Rinck Content Studio

What are bats?

Bats are mammals of the order chiroptera.

Chiroptera means hand-wing!

They are the only mammals that are capable of true flight!

  • Fruit bats feed on fruits, flowers, nectar, and pollen


  • Fruits like bananas, figs, and dates depend on bats for pollination and seed dispersal

  • Insect bats feed on insects


  • They also eat harmful insects like farm pests and mosquitoes.


  • They play an important role in suppressing insect pest populations

I am a fruit-eating


I am an

insect-eating bat!

Click "read more" on the bats below to find more detailed information on the bats of Kyoto and Shiga!

R. ferrumiquinum trans bg.png


Horseshoe Bat

N. aviator trans bg.png


Simple-nosed Bat

T. insignis trans bg.png


Free-tailed Bat


"This project is being carried out with the support of the Heiwado Foundation Environmental Conservation Activity Grant Project" Natsuhara Grant "


The Island Bat Research Group (IBRG) is an international multi-disciplinary unit. It has been involved for several years in the research and conservation of endangered insular bats in Japan and other island countries.


T: +81 (0)75-753-3137

F: +81 (0)75-753-3133


© 2018 by Christian E. Vincenot.

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Picture featured on this website were shot by members of the group, but also by close friends and collaborators. Therefore, reuse of these pictures is subject to prior approval by the IBRG to insure proper credit can be given to authors.

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