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The Island Bat Research Group is a young research unit created in 2014 by Christian Vincenot, which technically operates from within the Biosphere Informatics Laboratory at Kyoto University and gathers scientists from various geographic origin and with different expertise but who share the same keen interest in island bat research and conservation. Most IBRG members are active students belonging to Kyoto University, but the unit is open to any researcher interested in contributing to its aims, without regards for his/her background, skills, or affiliation.


Island Bats need research and protection.

Bats are key species on islands. They offer ecosystem services (e.g. seed dispersal) that are often not provided by any other species. The Island Bat Research Group endeavors to undertake independent research on threatened or data deficient island bat species. We aim to investigate these elusive species using cutting-edge scientific tools, openly report our results in renowned academic journals to allow for verification by peers, inform the public of our findings, and take action jointly with authorities to practically protect endangered bats. Our philosophy is to be open to anybody aligning with these goals and sharing our vision of research and conservation.

We are always excited to discuss with people interested in conservation. We also gladly organize outreach sessions, provide expert opinion to stakeholders or the media, and welcome participation of third parties in fieldwork activities, so if you wish, do not hesitate to contact us.


The Island Bat Research Group (IBRG) is an international multi-disciplinary unit. It has been involved for several years in the research and conservation of endangered insular bats in Japan and other island countries.


T: +81 (0)75-753-3137

F: +81 (0)75-753-3133


© 2018 by Christian E. Vincenot.

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Picture featured on this website were shot by members of the group, but also by close friends and collaborators. Therefore, reuse of these pictures is subject to prior approval by the IBRG to insure proper credit can be given to authors.

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